Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Denver Happenings for Local Foodies & More

For anyone local to the Denver, CO area, there are some awesome things happening in the world of healthy and sustainable eating! Today the Denver Post's food section ran an article on how celebrity chefs are using their influence to help get people to eat healthier. Along with Jamie Oliver's new show "Food Revolution", which happens to be filmed in my husband's hometown, there are a lot of other efforts happening around the country, lead by celebrity chefs.

You can read the article here:

Green Route Denver is also holding a Green Restaurant Tour of Denver restaurants. You can find more info about it here: If you can't make the designated dates, I highly recommend checking out some of the restaurants on your own. I've tried Watercourse and Root Down, and I love them both!

Just a shout out to one of my favorite local shops-Savory Spice Shop. They now have their own show on food network! And they are going national, and opening up a franchise in Santa Rosa, CA. You check out their website:

I have also found some new sites that have great blogs and other resources for gardeners and anyone who might be interested in eating more locally grown, sustainable food.

If you are having a hard time making it through this last month before the Farmer's markets open, there are a couple of year round farmer's markets that are really growing. (Pun intended) They are definitely worth checking out. and

There are some awesome efforts going on to take the CSA movement one step closer to home with NSA's, Neighborhood Supported Agriculture, where neighbors share their yard space to create the ultimate urban or suburban farms that are as local as they come! Wash Park has one and so do a few other neighborhoods across town. Here are the websites I found:, and

Last but not least a couple of local restaurant chains are supporting the eat local movement by doing their part. Chipotle is donating 50% of their sales to the Grow Local Edible Gardens in the Park project on May 15th. This project is in conjunction with Denver Parks and Rec Dept. to build veggie gardens in local parks to showcase them. The hope is more people will start planting their own veggie gardens. Find out info here:

Chipotle is also helping out the Urban Farms and Feed Denver by donating portions of their sales from their Stapleton Restaurant on April 11th, this Sunday. You can find out more info here:

And Noodles & Co. is donating a percentage of their sales to help Slow Food Denver's school garden programs. A project very near and dear to my heart. More info available here:

Some of the info in this post I gathered from the newspaper, but I also get e-newsletters from Slow Food Denver and Grow Local Colorado. I have both of their links listed on the right side of this page.

For those of you not local to Denver, CO, I know there are programs and events like these taking place all over the country. Go online and do some searches to see what you can find happening in your own backyard. And if there aren't things happening, then go ahead and start your own thing! It can be as small as hosting some friends for a "green" focused dinner, a seed sharing party or a bigger program like starting a community garden or NSA. All it takes is just one person to get the ball rolling!

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